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4 month old Sibe Puppy Is overly Nippy :(

19 9:00:22

I've tried almost EVERYTHING to get our puppy Troy to stop biting us, first it was the gentle persuatian, the "No's", the tugging at the leash firmly when he nipped, the apple bitter spray, I'm running out of ideas :(
And we don't want to have to give him away, he's drawn blood a few times, he's a gorgeous little boy but he plays far too rough :(..He also tends to nip at my face just out of nowhere he'll jump up onto me while i'm sitting and nip at my face unprovoked.

Any suggestions?

I really appreciate it thank you.

Hello Amanda,

Sure, I have suggestions. The first is to be patient. Your puppy is going through a phase. Non professionals seem to think there is one magic answer to instantly stop nipping. Not so.

The answer is to make your dog associate nipping with an unpleasant outcome. Where most people go wrong is that they try one or all of the methods you mention and when it does not instantly work, they give up. Your dog must learn that EVERY SINGLE TIME he nips that he will suffer an unpleasant consequence. Dogs do not engage in unrewarding behavior. If EVERY SINGLE TIME he nips it is met with an unpleasant outcome he will stop. The trick is to persevere in your training and do not throw up your hands in defeat after the first failed attempts.

For further detailed guidance, feel free to read my article on how to stop a dog from nipping at

Good Luck!
