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Fear-based aggression in GSD

18 17:49:39

Hi, We have two dogs and the second one is a female white GSD who is now 7 months old - Kelsie. We did the same as what we did with the first dog - a border collie X Husky - Bailey (who loves people and dogs and is confident) - we took her to the dog park once she was fully clear after vaccinations and she'd grown up around my friend's four dogs as well as our other dog. However, the first time at the dog park wasn't a good one for her. She got trampled by an over-excited black lab and she didn't like how people just rushed up to her and tried to pat her and cuddle her without her being able to sniff first. Months on, she hates all black labs and doesn't trust anyone she doesn't already know! With my family and friends she's friendly and cuddly and everything she should be - but last Christmas she actually bit one of my family members she hadn't met before simply because he tried to pat her and then walked past. She got scared and nipped the back of his leg. I've heard that this sort of traumatic experience is hard to get past with GSDs... please help! I want everyone to see her how we do!
Thank you, Michelle.

HI Michelle:

What a sad experience for Kelsie.  Often it's how we react in those type of situations that governs our dogs future reactions, when faced with a similar event.

First off have all visitors to your house completely ignore her, that means not looking at her, touch her or speak to her.  When she eventually approaches them to sniff, they must still ignore her completely.  Only when she attempts to get their attention, usually nose pushing hand, may they calmly move their hand to pet under her chin.  Kelsie must be able to dictate the level and amount of contact with strangers, then she will not fear their contact, and react.

With strangers out in public, ask them not to make eye contact, speak to her, or touch her.  Ask them also not to approach face/front on, always side ways, and no closer than 3 feet.  Again let her dictate the amount of contact with them.

As for other dogs (Black#,if you can find someone with a very clam and stable black dog.  Have them participate in walks, first in front with some distance, then slowly closing the gap over time #days), and eventually walking side by side, with Humans/handlers in between.  This will teach her no all Black dogs are a danger to her.

Also I would recommend training classes with a qualified Professional Trainer, as he/she will be able to guide you and watch her body language.  Working in a Group Class, will help build her confidence with both other humans and other  dogs.

As GSD's are know to be a dominant/strong will breed, firm/clam/stable Leadership is key.