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Transitioning from House to Outside potting

19 9:05:52

My 3 month old tcup poodle is 100% trained on the potty pads inside of the house.  However, she is due for her last series of shots and I would like to start taking her outside on my balcony with the potty pad or the doggy litter box.  Which do you suggest and how do I get her to change from inside pottying to outside pottying?

Hi Natalie,
The best way to do it is to pay attention to her pattern of when she has to go potty and then take her out when you know she has to go.

I recommend using a crate to manage her so she is motivated to hold it and then go outside, say, "Go potty" and stand there for 3-5 minutes. If she goes, give her an outstanding treat and let her run around, play with her, or train her. If she doesn't go, put her back in the crate and try again 15-60 minutes later.

Writing down her patterns will help you know when she has to go.

There are a lot more suggestions in my other answers at AllExperts. I also have a housetraining video at that you can watch instantly on your computer.

Good luck!