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my peeing shiba inu

19 8:58:04

I have no other place to turn to right now my sister is suppose to take my shiba tomarro and I am so upset but I am trying to do whats best for him.  Well here is the deal.  My shiba is 3 years old and I would take him for walks and as soon as I got home and left him alone for 2 min he would pee in my room on my curtains I have 3 cats 2 of which were here for 15 years and a 5 year old son with my husband.  last week was my breaking point he was outside all day brought him in for 5 min went down stairs to turn my computer off came back upstairs he was at the door with his head down with that "look" I was like oh no were did you go and again there it was in my room all over my things.  I have been keeping him on a leash in my house for a while because he cannot be out of my sight.  He is nuertered and I do love him I just don't know why he is doing this to me.  So there it is can you help me so I don't have to send him away.  Thank You,  Monika


Lets try a few things to help you with. First get a crate for your dog. This will be a safe place for him to stay while you are not home or do not have the time to keep an eye on him. You can have a few favorite toys to keep him occupied to pass the time away. Then take him right outside when you return or you are done with whatever you are doing. If he goes then PRAISE him as it was a good thing. Keeping him on a leash right next to you has to be frustrating for both you, the crate is a better way to go.
I feel the most important advise right now is that any mistakes that he has done in the house be cleaned up with a special dog urine neutralizer product. Dogs have a keen sense of smell so even if you cleaned up what he did and it did not neutralize the smell to your dogs nose he will smell it and return to the same spot he has gone before. Your local pet store chain or even over the internet you should be able to find a good product.

Also lets redirect him with teaching him some simple obedience. Spending time with him and rewarding him for positive things can help him be a better companion in your family.

This is going to take sometime on your part to redirect him from using  your room but with the love you have for him it can be done.

Hope this helps you.
