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border collie who likes to lick

19 9:03:58

I have a 2 yr old border collie. I don't know if this is a problem with him but i noticed since we got him he likes to lick everyone not just me or my family anyone he meets. I have tried saying no everytime he tried to lick someone, i have also tried to do what ceaser millan does and grab him by the neck, and i also tried saying hey! in a really stern voice but non of these things worked.

do you have any solutions?

thank you

Hi Renae, I believe your dog is just trying to be friendly.  To help teach him not to do this, pick up some bitter apple spray from your local petco or petsmart and spray it on yourself.  If he licks your hands, spray them.  A few licks of the bitter apple should cure him.  You may also have to have a guest or two do the same thing.
