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Dog pooping/peeing on porch/deck...

18 17:56:31

I have friends with a 2 year old pitbull (not neutered, trained at home - no changes in environment) who spends most of his time on their porch where he has regularly done 'his business'.  Can he be trained to go not go to the bathroom on the porch while he's out there or should he never be allowed on the porch again? Thanks!

Standard potty training should direct the dog to go where you want him to go. This includes a potty trip every 2 hrs to the spot, praise when he goes, and a tiny reward treat.

Watch the dog, and as soon as he starts to get into position, immediately take him to the spot you prefer.  

Being unneutered, dogs will mark territory, so neutering should also help.

Henry Ruhwiedel
Westwind Kennels LLC