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Staffordshire Bull Terriers

18 17:57:27

Hi, I have 2 Staffies a boy and a girl. They are both due to be neutered next month. They are brother and sister and are 2 in August. My partner and I have 2 children and our 3rd is due in July. My partner is definitely top dog in our house as when he's around the dogs are very well behaved, they sit in their bed when told and they are content and calm. As soon as my partner leaves the house the dogs have complete personality changes they wait till they hear his motorcycle pull off then they start. They will knock the bin over in the kitchen and spread the trash everywhere, they will fight with each other, they will steal the childrens toys and urinate on the floor or even up the legs of beds or the sofa often soaking the cushions or duvets. They dont listen to me when i shout at them and they dont seem to care even if i smack their bums. I am really worried about bringing a new baby into the house, as they may knock the buggy/high chair/crib over and hurt the baby. They are in no way aggressive towards any of us including the children, they are very protective and I dont worry about them harming the baby through jealousy it's more the crazyness that my harm the baby accidently. I really love my dogs, we all do but I am at my wits end and am finding their behavior really difficult to cope with.

Hi Billie

This is interesting.  you need to find out what it is your husband does that you don't, provided it is not physical harm to the dogs.  There is no point using force such as smacking with dogs as they will not learn to resect you like this.  They may become frightened but equally they may simply learn that this is the way to behave.  It also makes you look like a weak leader who cannot cope so it becomes harder to gain control.

You need to start to control their resources - this means access to anything they value (not including water), such as food, beds, doorways, garden, walks, toys, cuddles etc.  You can put a lead on them in the house and just leave them trailing behind them.  This way if you need to gain control you can do so quickly and easily without having to grab them.  put way all toys/chews, shut all the doors and start to insist on good behavior (how ever you define this - maybe sits or downs, or just calm) before rewarding with their privileges.  For example, if they want to go to the garden insist they sit before opening the door.  The same when they come back in.  If you ask them to go to their beds use their leads to insist on it and reward them with a chew each.  if you are calm and overall consistent they will start to see you as the leader and will begin to respond to you.

It would also help if you could start to walk and fed them so they see you as an important family member.

Goo luck
