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house-trained becoming un-house-trained

18 17:53:46

My dalmatian was well house-trained till he was 6.5 months old.

He sleeps with me on my bed.
But . . . he kept on tearing up the expensive king-sized mattress.
So I banned him from the bed with the intention of
allowing him to be on it when I'm on it.  

He has never doubted it's being okay to get on the bed at
night around bedtime.  But everything has backfired.
While he knows it's okay at bed time, he has started pooping inside the house every morning, . . . to claim some part of
the house as HIS OWN territory?????

He had already cleverly figured out on his own that he is
allowed to crap on the porch with impunity WHEN it is a rainy night . . . but not otherwise. He instinctively knows that I
don't want to bed down with a wet dog.

I can't figure out the regressive development of pooping in
the house.  I think he can now almost distinguish when he is allowed on the bed, viz. at bedtime.  

DUring the day I give him plenty of petting and show much
affection, so he is not alienated.  (I should add, that he
is not top dog; he gets fed second, etc.)  He has his own
special place on the couch next to me at nite when I watch
TV.  He certain gets plenty of shows of affection.

But in the a.m.:  poop is on a show-wiping rug by the door to
the outside.  
Why is he doin' this? . . . and how can it be
stopped?  I'd've thought the affection that I show him much of
the time (I am retired and stay home except on my weekly shopping day) would conince him that he is accepted and doesn't have to
establish territory or anything to keep me happy, just not
to chew up my mattress.


The first error was having the dog sleep with you in the bed.  That taught him that he is equal and you are not the leader. Then letting him poop in the house is his way of giving you the paw.  You need to get into a basic obedience and socialization clss to teach the dog manners and its role, and how to work to please you. Classes that use the nothing is free technique teach the dog it has to work (sit, or other command) to get what it wants. Large breeds learn (mature) quickly, so don't wait.  Next get a basic potty trtaining book from a pet store and a crate. You can read my other posts on this site about crate training/potty training.

The obedience class will also socialize the dog as they learn from each other as well as the instruction. Don't bother with any of the "secret dog training" scams. As we explain in our book and DVD, it all comes down to Pavlov and Skinner method operant training.  

The dog needs a crate as its home, sleeping and safe area. We have let some of ouor dogs and cats share the bed, but only after they are well trained and only upon invitation.

Two basic rules of training is nothing in life is free, and no means no.  


Henry Ruhwiedel
Westwind Kennels LLC