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Lonely Puppie

18 17:53:45

I have a 6 1/2 month old collie. I was wondering if you would think it would be a good idea to inroduce a new puppie to our family. We are thinking of getting another dog in the next year, but i'm worried about my girl. My husband and I are gone during the day to work. We both leave so early in the morning that day cares arnt open yet. I'm so worried that shes getting lonly during the day that maybe getting our 2nd pup early would make her happy or would we have a bigger problem with having 2 dogs under the age of 1 year?
If you can give me any insight that would be wonderful
Stacy M.

Hi Stacy!

Thank you for considering me answering your questions.

Here is the pro and contra to the new puppy idea:

Pro: Social dog-to-dog contact, a playmate for life. I always encourage to have two dogs (If the situation allows it) as I believe that even the most human oriented dog needs another dog in the same home to play the way dogs do, to wear each other out and because it often keeps a single, lonely dog from doing mischief.

Contra: Unless your dog is already fully trained, a second dog can make things a lot worse. Make sure your dog isn't destructive, doesn't eliminate in the house, doesn't show behavioral problems.

Another issue to consider: If your Collie is only 6.5 month old, she shouldn't have the run of the house, but be in a crate. She shouldn't be left alone outside either as it can lead to behavioral issues/habits like barking, digging, destruction, escaping and roaming and worst, aggressions (Fence fighting with other dogs, territorial aggressions).

So, practically you'd leave your 6.5 month old dog to raise another puppy while you're gone all day long. Right now your main focus should be your Collie girl. Put the time you have into her training and exercise. Raise her to become a reliable adult dog and then introduce a puppy (Again, if you have the time to raise a second dog).

What I could recommend is that you, again, work with your puppy until she's reliable and maybe add an adult, possible a rescue dog? There are so many mature, wonderful dogs for adoption. I myself rescue/foster and adopted mature dogs and it's a wonderful experience. Even with issues, once they are resolved it's like getting THE dog for life without having to deal with puppy hood all over again.

See, if you get a second puppy it wouldn't make her happy as both dogs would have to be crated (It is also very dangerous to have puppies roam without supervision, it equals leaving a 2 year old toddler at home alone while the mom's at work).

I hope I was able to help you out, at least a little bit. Whatever you decide I'm very sure it will work out.

DogNanny 911
Phoenix AZ