Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Dog Training > Introducing Puppy to a Older Dog

Introducing Puppy to a Older Dog

19 8:58:42

QUESTION: Hi I have a Maltese(Frosty) who is 12 years old and we are looking at getting a puppy Schnauzer to add to our family. I notice my Maltese has fears of puppies, as a family friend of mine had just gotten a puppy(Waldo). When we first introduce Frosty to Waldo, Frosty display fear of Waldo to us. He would back away, growl or even bark at Waldo if Waldo comes near. But Frosty would still love to proceed towards Waldo when he is not aware to lick and smell Waldo's privates, whenever Waldo starts to lick Frosty, Frosty would run away.

Also Waldo loves to pounce on Frosty, so whenever Frosty barks at him or runs away, Waldo thinks its a chasing game instead of backing away from Frosty.

If such is the case, how should I first introduce my new puppy to Frosty so that I can ensure they get along well together?

ANSWER: Any introduction should be done away from your home, perhaps at the home of your Schnauzer's breeder.  A Schnauzer may be a bit too energetic for an older Maltese unless you are getting a laid back puppy, but at any rate, do make the introduction before committing to taking the puppy just to be sure your older dog is not going to be overwhelmed.  Most adult dogs tolerate pups quite well, so long as they are not too much for them physically.  If in doubt, hire a trainer to go with you and help with the intro.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Hi I am actually purchasing my puppy from a breeder that is from another State thus will not be able to introduce my old dog to the new puppy at the breeder's place. Are there any other options?

If you are purchasing from a reputable breeder, they will take the puppy back for any reason, if you are not able to care for it - which would likely include if your resident dog will not tolerate it.  If your breeder is not giving you such a guarantee, that would be a big red flag for me, and an indication that your breeder is not ok - purchase your pup from a good breeder who will guarantee.