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18 17:59:09

I have a 7 month old husky. I know that the breed is very independent and likes to do what they want to do. He is a great dog and listens well. The only problem is he likes to bolt from me when we are outside. Even when he is sitting right next to me and we are about to go inside to get food or water when i am calm. The thing is he knows that it is wrong and bad to run from me yet he does it anyways

He doesnt run out the door he doesnt do anything wrong other than running from me outside. We dont have a fence in our yard. This is the one thing that makes mad to no end (usually im dead tired from trying to get to come to me or chasing hime) I dont want him to get hurt or to run away and not come home. But I cant seem to get him off this kick. He is about to get neutered soon so that will help but I need some tips on how to get him to listen to me when he has run and how to get him to stop running from me.

Honestly im guessing his fear comes from me because he knows that I am angry when I do finally get to him. He just doesnt listen when I call for him and just does his own thing.

Please help! I cant afford obedience classes. Hes been a gem only for the running from me.

Part of it is the age. He's at the sassy testing stage and he's going to be a butthead for awhile. The good news is; the stage will pass. The bad news is; the behavior will stay if he learns he can get away with it.

To teach him to come on command, begin indoors from a short distance. Have him sit and stay then move away, call him to come, make him sit when he arrives and then give him a treat. If there are other people in the house, take turns calling him, making him sit and giving him a treat. When he does this well, call him from other rooms of the house, make it a hide and seek game. Most dogs enjoy this game and children do as well. Once he's doing well with this, you can try it outside on a long line or in a fenced area (like a public tennis court). Only when you feel he's reliable should he be let off his leash again because every time he runs off when you call him, he's rewarding himself for disobedience and everytime you're angry when you catch him, he's learning that allowing you to catch him is a bad thing. I would keep him on a leash for the next several months anyway, just because this stage of a dog's development is such a bratty one. Think 2 year old, then think 15 year old and you've got a good picture of the 6-10 month old stage of dog development.