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Daschund not pooping outside

18 17:56:41

Hello there. I know that this may be a question that has been asked before but I am at a loss at what to really do.  Nearly a month ago, we purchased Juno, a 9 wk old black and tan mini Daschund female puppy.  We started right away with trying to house break her, though I will admit we were niave going in.

I have always had large dogs in my life, so this is my first time dealing with a small dog.  I am finding them more stubborn and a little harder to train than a larger dog.

Our issue is that she is ok about going outside, for most part starting to let us know that she needs to go out. Problem is that, despite us taking her outside, she will still automatically poo inside the apartment.  We have stood outside for nearly 45 minutes, having her pee and then start to play, just to come in and find a 'gift' within 5 minutes.  We don't know if we are not taking long enough with her or if she is just holding it to come inside and do it.  We have a kennel, that we use when she hasn't done anything but, at the rate we are going, we will end up kenneling her all day in hopes that she will do a poo outside.

It's getting frustrating.  We aren't going to give up on her, as we have grown really attached and I'm not one to give up on an animal because they simply aren't getting a lesson.  I would love to come to the bottom of this or at least find a solution that works.  Any help would be appreaciated and I thank you before hand for any tips or advice you have to give.


Watch & confine is the key. Check out

If you're always watching her OR she's in the crate, there will be no gifts. She should never have the opportunity to poo in the house because the minute she squats, you rush her outside. Then give her treats when she goes outside.

If she absolutely will not, ask your vet about suppositories.