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beagle pooping and peeing in house

19 8:56:39

My son has a 2 year old beagle and we are taking care of him now because my son went into the service.  My son claims that the beagle was housebroken, but I don't think so.  He worked 8 hours a day and bandit would mostly go to the bathroom outside, but also peed all over my sons bed, constantly.  I let bandit out at 5:30am every morning so he can roam free. He comes back about an hour later. Mid morning, I take him for half mile walk. He pees, then about 2pm, I take him for another walk.  He gets another shorter walk about 6 or 7pm.  At night, 8:30 or so, we let him out alone.  He comes back about half hour. But, he has went from bed to bed peeing, and it takes FOREVER to properly clean mattresses, and he is kenneled if we go out of town.  Example: today I picked him up, he wasn't in the house 3 minutes and went downstairs and pooped, making me spank him already. I can't believe this breed is that dumb. Sorry, but we are really really frustrated.  We have been doing this for almost 3 months now.  We hate to give him away, but I cannot carve out hours a day to watch him, spank him, clean up CONSTANTLY because he is sneaky. Please help.

Please refer to my post "separation anxiety" of this date.

First, spanking the dog only makes the dog dislike you more. That adds to the fear of you son disappearing from his life. He has stress issues.  

Keep the dog in a part of the house easy to clean, and use a crate for when you are not with him. One with a dog bed, blanket whatever, toy, and feed, water him inside the crate with the door open so he learns to go in and out without fear. When in the crate keep everyone else away so the dog is not bothered and feels safe.

You will have to do significant play action, obedience or other fun training to get the dog to respect and trust you not fear you.

Unless you can clean the bedding etc with bleach, odo-ban and other commercial cleaners, it will have to be removed because the scent brings the dog back to the same spot. Unless the mattress had a plastic cover it is trash. Most large pet stores and on-line vet supply houses (K-V Vet supply for example) have commercial grade scent destroying products.

Lastly, when he goes out someone has to go with him to make sure he goes outside, gets praise or a treat for going and is not on his own.

If the dog has not been neutered it should be as that removes the primary drive of territory marking after a few weeks, although the mental habit may remain for some time longer.


Henry Ruhwiedel
Westwind Kennels LLC