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Relearning elimination spot

19 9:03:22

We have a seven month old neutered male German Shepard/Golden Retriever mix that we have had no problems training. He was housebroken when we got him from the shelter, and had little trouble teaching him to eliminate in an outside, 6'x10' kennel instead of in our grass. He would even run to his kennel to eliminate if needed while playing in the yard.

However, we recently changed the rock in his kennel from 1" river rock to pea gravel. Now he refuses to go in it, or even eliminate in it. I have tried rewarding him with treats for being in the kennel, along with generous praise. But he still will not enter it willingly, or even go near it, even when I am inside it with peanut butter (his favorite treat). He will only eliminate (peeing and pooing) while we are on walks. He also no longer alerts us to his need like he used to by sitting at the door.

We would really like to solve this problem without changing the rock, if at all possible. Thank you for your help!

Hi Abby,

Dogs are amazing creatures of habit and love routines. By changing the medium on which your dog learned to eliminate. There are dogs who learn on grass who simply will not go on cement or asphalt which is tricky when travleing and there is no grass around. Likewise, dogs who learn to use a litter box might have trouble eliminating outside not because it is outside but because the surface is different outside compared to their litterbox.

There are few things you can try.
1) If you have any of the river rock around put some back into his kennel on top of the new pea gravel. If that works, slowly remove the river rock until only pea gravel is left.

2) Collect some of his stool and place it in the kennel to see if he'll recognize it as 'his' place.

3) Make him spend some time enclosed in the kennel right after getting up in the morning and after eating to see if when he really needs to go, he'll figure out that he simply must go on that new surfaces. It would be very beneficial if you were nearby to praise and then give the peanut butter after he finally goes.

I couldn't tell if he is now having accidents in the house because he isn't notifying you by sitting at the door.
