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Dog peeing and pooping on rug

18 17:56:18

We have a dog that doesn't like to get her feet wet when it rains and she is peeing and pooping on the rug.  It is a problem.  My boyfriend won't let me discipline her and the house smells horrible.  I don't know what to do.  She is three years old.

A lot of dogs don't want to go out in the rain. So if you know it is going to rain, put hte dogs out until you are sure they went. Then again as soon as the rain is over.  If its one of those day long drizzle forever rains, they need to go out period. Punishing the dog for going inside when they aren't allowed out does now make sense. Follow the regular potty schedule rain or shine, or snow.

Henry Ruhwiedel
Westwind Kennels LLC