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Boxer &cats&other dogs

19 9:00:18

I have a 2yr old boxer what is the best way to introduce him to my cats? Also he does'nt get along with other dogs accept my female boxer,any suggestions on this?

Many times a cat will take care of things on their own.  Keep the dog on lead, and if you feel she is being too aggressive and are fearful for the cats, just restrain her from reaching them.  Do not try to verbally calm her, just wait for any excessive barking, pulling on the lead or jumping around to lessen and them praise.

Boxer tend to be very vocal and it looks very much like aggression.  I would work with an experienced dog owner or trainer who has a calm dog and have them meet in a neutral setting.  If she is not aggressive you will still see excitement, but not the "dogfight" behavior.  Without actually seeing the dog's behavior myself, it is very difficult for me to give you an accurate indication if it is aggression or just very pushy play behavior.  An experienced trainer can help you evaluate this.