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HELP! Adopted neglected Doberman, crazy dog!

19 8:58:11

I adopted a 1 1/2 year old female doberman pinscher, the shelter told me that she was put in a kennel outside, and the only interaction she had with people was when they brought her food and water. My problem is she doesnt have much, if any training. She isnt potty trained, she pulls hard on the leash, and she never seems to stop moving. She also chews on my 3 yr old son's toys, even though she has toys of her own.
How can I get her to calm down in the house, so that I can feel comfortable having her in here without having to have my eyes on her 100% of the time?
I have a crate that she sleeps in, and I put her in there at times when I just cant focus all of my attention on her (when im cooking, changing diapers, calming an angry toddler, showering, bathing my kid)
Oh, I should mention that this dog does not have an aggresive bone in her body. Somebody must have taught her that she is not to put her teeth on human skin. She is wonderful and very tolerant of my 3 yr old.

So, please help! Thank you.

She sounds overwhelmed and very stressed. Not uncommon in rescue dogs who are suddenly asked to live in a world much more complex than they've known. I'd go slow, start some basic, positive training and give her some reasonable house rules and routine. You'd probably also benefit from finding a good, positive local trainer to work with you. She sounds like a really nice dog with a lot of issues that are going to be hard to work through without help. Sandy Case MEd CPDT