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Leash training a saint.

18 18:00:43

I have a 2 yo St. who is impossible to walk.  I have developed carpal tunnel and a dislocated shoulder trying to walk her.  (kidding of course).  I've tried stopping and starting, praising, sit and stay.  All I've gotten is sit!  She's too strong to control and has A.D.D!  God forbid a cat run by, your going for the ride of your life!  Need some help!

Based on your question, you are using a good method for teaching the polite walking skills, but may not have been working at it long enough or in the right patterns. Also, don't know what type of leash and collar you are working with and those also may impact your training.

The simplest approach may be to hire someone to come and help you get the dog on the right path to polite walking. Depending on the situation and the trainer, this can sometimes be accomplished in one session and then a follow up to be certain no new "issues" have popped up.

It sounds like you are on the right path. You may benefit from getting more attention on you. If you have the dog's attention, the rest of it gets much simpler.

Since you have the SIT command working, the rest should be attainable too. The challenge, as you know, is the size of the breed you are working with. If you dog is food or toy motivated, you can utilize those as tools in teaching her where you would like her to be when you are walking.

Here's a link on teaching heel in one day:

Some additional links for you:

Hope this helps some. If you read the various articles and information and have more questions, let me know.