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Labrador doing pooing on patio

18 17:52:39


Hi there,
Please help I have 6 month old black Labrador. She is a wonderful dog, the only problem is that she is pooping on the patios around the house, and I am now cleaning up every morning, how can change the habit. She comes into the house in the mornings and evenings. Is there something I can use, we have a huge yard with lawn pool etc. We have three kids and there is always people around.  

You can teach her to pee and poop in an approved spot, but she will never learn it unless you take her to the spot each time and reward her for going there, plus restrict her access to the other parts of the yard while she is learning.  Also, if you have a pool and she loves it, consider getting a scamper ramp, so that she has an easy exit, if you don't have steps.  Sprays, such as Boundary pet repellent, exist, but I have found them less than effective at keeping dogs away from areas outdoors.