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too much crate time??

19 8:57:17

I just got a cockapoo puppy on Tuesday.  I have never had a dog.  I work from home and the pup's cage is right next to me all day.  He usually is in there, and usually is fairly content.  But then he is in it for the 8 or so hours at night for sleeping (in my room next to my bed).  How much crate time is too much crate time???

How about tethering him to you while you work, or putting up baby gates so he can't get out of your sight.  As soon as he comes out of his crate, take him outside and praise when he potties. Then he can come in and play (supervised). He will need to go out about 20-30 minutes after he eats (give three regular meals, don't leave food down - that can make scheduling really difficult) and keep track of when he eliminates so you can get him out before its an emergency. The rule of thumb is that a puppy can hold as many hours as his age in months, plus one. So, an 8 week old puppy would be able to hold about 3 hours. A 12 week old would be able to hold about 4. But of course that varies with the dog. But I'd let him have plenty of supervised time out of the crate. Maybe at night, but make other arrangements to keep track of him during the day (working at home, it's going to be easier than for most folks). He can't learn all he needs to know in a crate. Sandy Case MEd CPDT