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begging at meals

19 8:59:18

I have a six month old lab/mix and have two issues that I would like to correct.  First, he constantly begs at the dinner table and he has not been given any food from the table.  My second issue is housebreaking. He has been paper trained and also goes outside, How do I break him from the paper training to strictly going outside. I feel that he has the liberty to go whenever he chooses, since there is always paper laid out.



Hello Gisel,

It is very unusual that your dog developed his begging habit without help. Very unusual.

To correct it, put your dog on a down-stay away from the table while you eat. Also be sure that nothing is is left on the floor around the table after you finish. That will stop the begging.

To break him from the paper training stop putting the paper down.

Good Luck!
