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Bark Collars

19 8:58:13

I have two mini dashunds.  Both are six years old. One has always lived indoors, the other was outside his first 3 years until we adopted him. Rather than give them away, I am needing to relocate them outside due to my son's allergies. Problem is, they both bark pretty much non stop when outside. They are 15 pounds each. Are bark collars safe and worth the money? Any suggestions on the transition to outside permantley?

I'm not a big fan of "bark colars" They work for some dogs but not for others. Some dogs become fearful or aggressive because they don't connect the shock with their behavior. Some continue to bark to the point of causing irritation to their neck through continued contact. Some may turn on the other dog because they think he's causing the pain. If you do decide to go that route, do your research and get a "good" quality collar. Some are more adjustable than others, are self adjusting and have a warning beep so the dog can learn to avoid the correction, and turn themselves off before they do damage if the dog continues to bark. They address the symptom (dog is noisy) but do nothing to relieve the source of the barking (dog is bored and lonely for human companionship) Also I don't know where you live, but consider if outdoors will be a better life for your little dogs than rehoming them. Especially the one who has always been inside. What is your weather like in the extreme seasons (Summer and Winter?) Do you live in an area where they may become prey to coyotes coming over your fence or birds of prey? Just some things to think about. Sandy Case MEd, CPDT