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Black lab started to urinate in house

19 8:58:13

I have a black lab he is 5 years old and just recently in the past 2 weeks he started to pee on our rug when we go to bed, he has never done that before. My husband just went back to work so he isn't home with him most of the day and I work 2 jobs so I am gone from 6AM to 10PM why would he start this now.

Thank You

So, this dog isn't actually left in the house for 16 hours is he? I don't know many dogs who could "hold it" that long. I'd consider anything more than 8 hours asking for a lot of control. If he's getting out on a regular schedule, I might be looking at physical causes. He could be developing bladder stones or a urinary tract infection. Sometimes problems can result from a dog being asked to "cross his legs" for too long. I'd get a urinalysis done, and if that isn't the issue, I'd probably let him sleep in a crate during the night until he proves to you that he's trustworthy. Sandy Case MEd, CPDT