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catch a frisbee

19 9:05:37

i just got a husky he is about a year old and is very good.  what are some tips for teaching him to fetch and catch a frisbee?  o and another question off of the topic..does neutering a dog inhibit the growth of the dog?
thank you

No, Nick, neutering a dog can actually make the dog grow taller than he would have been if he had been left intact.

Some dogs are natural born retrievers, and some are not. Keep that in mind when trying to teach your dog to fetch. Does he show any desire to run after something you've thrown? If not, then you're going to have to spend some time teaching him to. You can teach him to catch a frisbee by teaching him to catch food that you toss to him, and when he can do it, start saying a command word (like 'catch') so that when you introduce the frisbee in place of food, you can continue to use the word so he understands what it is you want him to do.