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crate training?

18 17:59:04

QUESTION: Do you recommend crate training my 2 moth old female pug?
I also have a 7 month old male kitten at home who seems very lonely so should i let them play with each other?

ANSWER: Your pug and your kitten should get along well though there may be some skirmishes in the beginning. Just watch them carefully and separate them if the cat becomes too upset or the dog gets too rowdy. They will work it out between themselves and may become good friends.

I recommend crate training for all dogs for safety and because it makes housebreaking so much easier as well as preventing your typical puppy issues like couch-eating and garbage-spreading. You should always keep your small dog in a crate in the car, preferably strapped down, because it offers a great deal of protection in case of an accident. This doesn't work so well with larger dogs, but luckily your girl should stay pretty small. The crate also gives your dog a place to retreat in times of stress. But don't leave her in the crate for more than 3 hours at a time at this age because her bladder is still small.

Here's an article I wrote about crate training that should help you:

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: thank you so much for the help :D
also, i was wondering how to housebreak a puppy? any advice? and how do i introduce my puppy to my cat? so far nothing bads happened but my cat is terrified of my pup while my pup is obssesed with being near my cat and chases it around everywhere

I have an article about housebreaking puppies at

Keep your dog on a leash when she is around the cat to prevent chasing and if she gets too rough pull her back and tell her no but don't be too strict or your pup will associate cats with punishment and that's no good either. Praise her when she is playing nice. Don't try to hold your cat still so the dog can sniff him or you'll get scratched, but you can hold the dog still so the cat can sniff her just be prepared to move your dog away quickly if your cat decides to attack her. Dogs and cats usually work these things out just fine for themselves, just supervise to make sure things don't get out of hand. Your cat will probably give your pup a few smacks upside the head and your pup will learn his boundaries. Getting your puppy involved with a puppy play group will help her learn good dog manners, though dog manners and cat manners aren't the same thing, but chasing is bad manners unless it's invited no matter what the species. If you have any friends with dog-friendly cats, it's a good idea to bring your puppy around them so that she can learn some cat manners too.