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Dog afraid to walk

18 18:01:34

We have just rescued a 2yr old as she appears to be very submissive and calm from the start however when it comes to walking she continuley either sits down and refuses to continue or tries to walk backwards. Her tail is between her legs and I know that this indicates that she is not confident. This is difficult because she has to walk to do her business which she has done in home. This is only the 2nd day but I would like to know what would be the best approach in making her confident and enjoying her walks?

I suggest doing alot of positive reinforcing of good behaviors and just take it some soft chewy tasty treats and try luring her with them on the walks. I also suggest you try and find a trainer who can come to your home and help you work with her or take obedience classes that use positive reinforcement as the training method. learning new things in a positive manner where she is praised and rewarded for everything she does corectly can be a real confidence booster for dogs.
The following websites have an online trainer, and