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Fearful Dog Wont Go For Walk

19 9:04:23

Our 2yr old Eskipoo used to really enjoy going for walks but a few days ago got a scare from people flying model airplanes in the park.  Since then we can't get her past our front walk.  


Hi Arthur,

The first step I would recommend is to take the dog on walks going another route.  Go down a different street, avoid the park altogether if you have to.  When you go for a walk, take lots of yummy treats with you -- some that your dog really enjoys.  Give her a treat as you go along and try to create a positive experience.   Once she seems to be doing better - - you can try going your old route.  

The dog will once again start enjoying the walks, you just have to give them some positive experiences to help put the scary one out of their mind.   

Perhaps the first time you go back to the park, you could go early in the morning before many others are out - so the dog can be reassured it is not a bad place.
