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Cocker Spaniel behavior

19 8:56:40

Our 12 year old American Cocker Spaniel constantly rummages through our garbage and especially likes to eat tissue paper.  He is on a balanced diet and does receive treats for good behavior(urinating outside, etc.) He is also barking for no reason throughout the day.  Can you offer suggestions for helping improve his behavior?

Hi Denise

Rummaging in the rubbish is absolutely normal dog behaviour, and is in fact probably a version of how they became domesticated in the first place!  It is thought early wild dogs began living near human settlements to scavenge through our rubbish!  The answer is to not allow him access to your bin.  Dogs are opportunists and also scavengers - these two facts are unalterable and rather than punish him for doing what is so natural (and to him very sensible), just deny him the opportunity.

with regards the barking, there is certainly a reason or he wouldn't do it.  Is he bored? afraid? anxious about being left?  Guarding the house?  Barking at people out the window?  You need to identify the cause and treat that.  have a think and feel free to get back to me.

Best regards,
