Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Dog Training > TWO NAUGHT YJACKS


19 9:01:24

I have two Jack russels a bitch aged 2 and a dog aged 3, My problem is when I make them sleep downstairs on there own they always mess on the floor, If I take them to bed they hold it for up to 10 hours but as soon as I leave them downstairs they just do it, Its the same when I am at work, they refuse to hold it. I am at my wits end here I have tried everything- timed feeding, walks before bedtime the lot, please give me some advice. they cant come to bed with me forever.

HI Eve,

It sounds like your dogs were never clear on the concept of not going 'in the house'. I would crate them when at work or when sleeping downstairs. Or let them sleep with you. Go back to retraining correct house habits as if they were puppies: crate training, no unsupervised run of the house and lots of praise for going outside.
