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potty training problems

19 9:01:29

hi! i have a one-year old rottweiler. i don't like to put her on a leash or cage her and she doesn't go inside the house but there is plenty of shelter and space to run around and play.
i have read several books and articles about potty training for dogs. my dog has no problems where she should do her business if i am watching but whenever i turn around from her or whenever i am not around, she will do her business anywhere she wants. i trained her for a month and i have been consistent on her training but it seems that she learned nothing.
there is also some times wherein she does a disturbing thing. she eats her own poop (eew!) she is a friendly dog and likes to play with me but i really, really don't like the smell of her mouth whenever we play ball.


Rose, the solution to a dog who goes potty in the house when you are not there is to crate or otherwise confine her when you cannot watch her. When she goes out to potty, you should leash her and go with her, so that you can praise her for going potty out there. Then you can let her off the leash. The reason you take her out on leash is to keep her from getting distracted and 'forgetting' why she's out there.

I am no longer answering housebreaking questions, as stated on my profile page, so I would suggest that you go back and read through all my previous answers on the subject and try some of the things I've already suggested.