Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Dog Training > Fetch/Dominance?


18 17:51:40

Almost 2 year old corgi, neutered, has been exhibiting signs of  dominance but not aggression. We're trying to correct him by making him walk behind or next to us instead of in front and setting boundaries inside the house. However, when we go to play fetch with him (a task he just recently learned), he'll run back to us and half-way he'll drop the toy. Is this a dominance thing? We're sensing that he's saying "I'm your master, you pick up my stuff". If so, how do we correct it?

Separately, how do you correct the barking/lunging at other dogs on leash? Lately we've just ignored it and keep walking or tell him to sit and be quiet.


Wyatt Earp - Best fetc
It's more of a control thing (But in the dominant field, no doubt).

The way to get rid of this behavior is to ignore it. That means YOU use his actions as an indicator that the game's over, turn around, walk away, ignore him.

However, the best way of teaching a great fetch is by showing your dog what a great joy and pleasure it is to actually bring the ball:
Have him on a long line, make him sit on your left, say "Ready, set = GO!!!!!" and throw the ball while loudly enforcing it "Go, go, go, go...." and when he got it "Yeahhhhhhhhhh", and then quickly "Good boy!! Great fetch..... aaaaand bring it, come, come, come, come".

Feel free to go absolutely wild, shout Wohoooo's and good boy, and come, come and all the good stuff, including "Gooood boy, come, come, come". If he stops, IGNORE it, keep the happy attitude and wheel him in with the long line... like there's nothing to it.

Once he's in front of you, say "Give", remove the ball from his mouth and say "Yeahhh!! Goood Give! Wohoo" and offer a little treat (At random or he'll learn to only bring a ball IF you have food).

Rinse and repeat...
