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Dog will not go to the bathroom

19 9:01:53


Recently my dog has been refusing to go to the bathroom. She is a 1.5 year old dachshund, unspade, who can get frightened around strange people/sounds. Let me tell you what has lead to this problem.

I got a new job a month ago and my wife and the dog (Gretchen) joined me about a week and a half ago. At her old home she had a nice big backyard with lots of tall grass. Here she has a backyard that is half the size with low, cut grass. We are renting a condo and thus have neighbors which she is not used to. We have walked her everytime she asks but her tail goes between her legs and she will not go. We have tried playing with her out there to make it more comfortable to no avail. We walk her around the subdivision but she just wants to go home. The only place she will go is a dog park which is several miles away and not something we can do everyday.

I have asked other people including vets what to do and they say that she will eventually have to go however she keeps holding it up to several days and I believe this could be dangerous. She is not just well trained to not go in the house but she is just plain stubborn which I believe is normal for the breed. Please help!

Hi Robert,
Two things I can suggest that you try.  1) next time she does go at the dog park, scoop it up and bring it with you to your condo and put it on the grass there where you want her to go.  The smell will help her.   
2) when you are outside with her and want her to go, force her to walk in a line back and forth -- kind of like pacing.  You stand still and just guide her back and forth.  This simulates the movement they usually do right before they go.   It might take a little while the first time, but it will work.

Be patient with her -- moving can be very stressful on a dog.