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time after eating

19 9:00:33

I just got a dog from the humane society. She is  shepherd mix but know one knows what shes mixed with. Anyways she always peeies on the floor but not yet pooped. I would like to know how long after she eats do i take her out to prevent this problem.
              thank you please reply soon.

Hi Samantha,

The time between eating and needing to go out varies from dog to dog so I can't give you an exact time. Some dogs need to go out immediately and some dogs don't. You don't say how old she is which may make a huge difference. For example, puppies should go out immediately after eating.  

If you are training your dog the right way with crates and limiting her freedom until she learns the correct place to relieve herself she will not mess on the floor. It's really quite a simple concept and yet one that most people have the most difficulty with. Your dog should not be free in your house unles you know without a shadow of a doubt that her bowels and bladder are empty and then she should only be free if you can supervise her activities so that if she starts to make a mistake, you can fix it and show her the proper place to eliminate.

Good luck
