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Housebreaking 2 puppies at once..

19 8:57:07

Hi Anne.. I submitted a question in the spring asking how I should introduce a new puppy to an older dog.. so far so good but my older one gets irritated and sets them straight when they jump in his face.. Instead of 1 I brought home 2 Aussie puppies both born in April 2 weeks apart from the same home.  They are in separate crates, next to eachother, I have help letting them out at specific times during the day while I'm at work. The older pup is potty traning well, the other one is just not getting it. They are fed twice a day 5:30am and 6:30pm, no water 3 hours before they are done for the night last outside trip is 11pm.  They both peep and poop outside but the one puppy constantly poops in his crate as well. Both are on Science Diet.  I'm shocked he's still got it in him after all the trips outside. What else can I do?

The crate needs to be the correct size, just large enough for the pup to stand, turn around, and lie down.  If it is, and he is still pooping in the crate, you can try taking any bedding out, so that he can't poop, then push it away in the bedding.  If that has no effect, let me know.  
Just my opinion, but I don't think of Science Diet as a particularly wonderful food, and it may be that your pup really is producing excess stool on it.  I know that my own dogs do better on Innova and similar foods, and they have formed, but smaller, stools -less filler, more nutrition actually being absorbed by the body I guess.