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Housebreaking Jack Russell Terrier

18 18:03:12

We have a 5 month old male Jack Russell Terrier born April 5, 2008.  We have had dogs all our life, and never had one that we could not housebreak.  We are using a crate for the dog when we are not home.  This little guy eliminates in the house all the time, but I think the even bigger problem is that he eliminates in his crate, even and hour after going out. This dog will be standing in his own feces two hours after being crated. He seems to hate being crated, and barks until he settles down, but most times it's when he looses his voice.  We are consistantly correcting him when he eliminates inside, telling him "no" and taking him outside immediately.  We understand that these little dogs are intellegient, curious, head strong and in need of more time and companionship then most human owners are willing to give, but this dog is getting his needs met by us in the family. Other than the housebreaking problem, he's an awesome little guy and a riot to play with.  Sleeps in our laps when he's tuckered out. I have crate trained 5 corgis, and a rotty.  Any ideas would greatly be appreciated.  


Yes I can see you need some help. First make sure he has no medical problem for not being able to hold it. Next, wash the crate or anywhere else he has gone with a urine neutralizer, you might be able to smell it but he can. Put him on a strict schedule for potty time. If you can try every hour to two hours he goes outside, if he does make it to the outside reward him with a small nibble of treat. If he gets something good for going outside he will continue to want to wait and go outside for that treat.
Barking in the crate, fill a empty soda can with about 16 pennies, tape up the top so they can not come out. Once he starts barking shake the can and say NO BARK! do this every time he barks,once he is quiet reward him. I think if you are consistent this will help.
Let me know how you are doing.
