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Dogs very excited when out of crates

19 8:56:48

I have 3 dogs; 1yr old Lab, 10months old German Sheppard/Huskie, and a rescued puppy(of about 6weeks old). When I get out of the house( usually between 20minutes to 4 hours), I put them in their crates in a empty bedroom of the house. On my return, when I let the dogs out of their cages, they go crazy and are running all around me in the tiny room and jumping on me and on the door, because they are outside of their crates, but also because they know that I'm taking them outside so they can go eliminate. My 2 older dogs hurts me when they are jumping on me, cause they are not gentle, but are pushing me. I am also scared for the puppy, who get stepped on alot. How can I train them to be calm when they get out of their cages, when this is such a daily train wreck?! Leaving them alone in the house is not an option, since they seems to chew everything when I'm not around.
Thank you for your time!!

First, you might try exercising them more. It sounds like they have a lot of pent-up energy. What do you currently do as an outlet for them?

Secondly, I would let one dog at a time out of the crate, rather than all three at the same time. Start with the puppy because he probably needs to potty more than the older dogs. Let him out of the crate and don't make a big fuss over him; just walk with him outside and then after he goes potty, praise him! Then go back and let one of the other two out. If you have to, hook a leash to their collar and correct them for jumping all over you and acting a fool. That kind of behavior really is uncalled for. Once you get that dog outside, you can go back in and get the other one; you don't have to stay out there until the first one goes potty - only with the baby puppy.

Another thing you might try, if they are not food aggressive, is, after letting the puppy out, go back in and scatter part of their daily ration all over the floor in the room where their crates are. This will give them something to do other than jump all over you. You can let them out, let them hunt for all the pieces of food you've tossed around, and then call them to the door to go outside.