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Dog Potties When I Leave

18 17:53:49

Why does my dog poop and pee in the house EVERY time we leave him? He is a 3 year old unaltered male American Bulldog. He is walked and completely goes potty outside before we leave but, he somehow manages to go more (or force out more?) in the house when we are not home, even if we only leave him for 15 minutes! What can we do to stop this behavior? Extremely tire of potty cleanup!!

You should crate train your dog of isolate him in a small area when you leave. Make sure that you train him, don't just stick him in a crate. This could be an anxiety issue and the crate will help him feel more secure as well as keeping him out of trouble and making him reluctant to mess the small area he is confined to. Check out my article at for an explanation of how to do this