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Housebreaking issues

18 18:00:37

My dog is a year and a half old, and we have had her for over a year. For the most part, she is good with commands, but she has never learned to go to the door when she needs to be let outside! She also has a few issues with excessive whining which makes it hard for me to decipher when she has to go outside or is just whining for attention. I also notice that our carpet smells like urine, but we can never catch her in the act! She must go on the carpet while we're gone. Can you please help me properly housebreak her?

Hi mandy

Go back to the beginning and treat her as if she is a puppy.  Keep her with you at all times in the house (put a lead on her and attach it to you if necessary).  take her out every hour plus any time she looks like she wants to go.  stay with her outside until she has toileted then praise her and come back in.  this way she will be unable to make any mistakes.

never ever tell her off for toileting - she will just learn to never toilet in your precense which will lead to some long waits in the garden with her!  if she makes a mistake it is your fault for not watching her closely enough so tell yourself off!!

You need to thoroughly clean your carpet so it doesn't smell of urine as this will attract her back to it- you may need to hire a professional in to do it for you.

It may be worth getting her vet checked to ensure she has no health problems first.

good luck
