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New dog bites constantly

19 9:00:13

We adopted a 7 month old collie/sheltie mix recently and she has developed a habit of nipping feet/ankles/heels everytime we walk.  Unfortunately she nips hard and does not respond to "OUCH" and a toy.  She has also started to bite our hands and arms.  We have tried to give her toys in lieu of mouthing our hands but she drops them immediately.  She is walked twice daily but playing with her only incited biting our hands and arms.

Hello Brian,

Your puppy is in the process of learning bite inhibition. Unfortunately, this is a slow process and it doesn't sound like your ankles will make it through the experience.

Put a prong collar and a leash on your dog. When she nips, continue to say "OUCH" but also give her a firm correction with the leash. Then give her an appropriate substitute like a toy. Make sure you use a firm correction that leaves no doubt in your pup's mind that nipping is an unrewarding behavior. Also, correct her EVERY time that she nips.

The nipping should end in a couple of days.

Good Luck!
