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GSD rescue training

18 18:02:06

Hi Kristen,
We have taken a 4 yr. old female purebred German Shepherd into our home from the local animal shelter. She was not in good shape, physically or emotionally. Over the past month she has made great progress, but still has some anxiety issues. We have a history with GSD so we are experienced with them.She is now walking on leash well, and sits, comes, down and stay on command very reliably. She seems to enjoy training and we always use positive reinforcement. She loves going to the off leash park and playing with other dogs and playing fetch with her ball. She has a strong spirit, but just in the past few days she has started not coming back to me, or my wife when she fetches her ball. She continues to to run and play with the other dogs, but avoids and runs away from us. We cannot get her back under control until she tires of the game of running away from us. I don't think she wants us to chase her. She just wants to be left along to play on her own with the other dogs. During this time I have no control over her, so it is a problem. I don't want to stop taking her to the off-leash to park to run and play. She loves it so much, the exercise is great for her and it really helps with the anxiety. At all other times she follows commands well, and I do not want to get mad or punish her. For much of the time in the park she follows commands and comes, then she just decides she is not going to listen anymore and it can take up to an hour before we can get her back under control. I have tried backing away or even running away when I call her to her to come by chasing me. I have a second ball which normally gets her attention, but not when she has decided not to listen anymore. I am not sure how to correct this behavior. It does not seem to be specifically teaching her the command to come, because in other circumstances she comes and obeys commands very well. I hope we can overcome this problem so she can continue to play in the off leash park. Do I start all over again with the 30 foot leash? Any advice would be appreciated.

Hello, Gary. I believe the problem is that she knows she can get away with it when at the dog park, and basically she's giving you 'the finger.' Don't worry; it happens to us all at some point or another!

What does she normally do whenever you turn and go the opposite direction in an attempt to make her chase after you? What do YOU do?

Also, what happens whenever you call her and she does come to you? I want details.

One thing I would do would be to play ball with her somewhere else besides the dog park, where it is just you and her and no other dogs. >>Then<< take her to the dog park if you wish. Personally, I am not fond of dog parks, because 9 times out of 10, the dogs that frequent them have poor social skills and ignorant owners. I've seen and heard of more fights erupting at dog parks than I can count. Additionally, I want to be the center of my dog's world; I don't want other dogs to be more fun, and thus more important, than me. When that happens, you end up with a dog that does what yours is doing.

Besides going to the dog park, do you spend time taking her for walks and/or playing/training?