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new dog in the home

18 17:57:22

We have a male terrier mix who is 9 months old.  We recently brought a 4 month female stray into our home.  They seem to get along but the female stray takes toys, snacks, etc away from our puppy.  My dog is not confrontational and allows her to take away anything. He doesn't stand up for himself. They play sometimes but  my dog bites her in the face and sometimes play time esculates into something more and appears to be too rough. Is this normal?  Should i be concerned about my dog and his feelings about the new stray being here and the stray taking his home over?

The stray has had to fend for itself. So it is not about to share with the male. The stray needs obedience training, and get foood, toys treats alone, away from the other dog. You also need to use the nothing for free program. The stray is controlling its environment by taking what it wants. You need to take control by making hte stray "work" to get what it wants. food, treats, toys affection. It gets nothing until it performs some "work" any command will do. Also don't let it jump or snap to get the item, make it sit and wait. In about 2-3 weeks the stray should see you as the source of its desires and not the other dog. Only then can you bring them together to play, share, etc. Otherwise the agressive stray will continue to bite your dog to make it give up whatever it has to the stray.

Henry Ruhwiedel
Westwind Kennels LLC