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Trick - Sneeze

18 17:57:23

I want to teach my dog to sneeze on command. How would I do this?


Step 1: Make your dog Sneeze.

There are 3 ways of making your dog sneeze.
1) Lightly blowing at your dog's nose BE CAREFUL, some dogs may snap at the wind and you could be hurt.
2) If you make sneezing noise, sometimes your dog will also make a sneezing noise.
3) Play with your dog so the dog gets revved up a little and they will often make a sneezing noise then.

If you cannot make them sneeze using this methods, you'll have to catch your dog in the act of sneezing and reward the behavior.  

Step 2: When your dog sneezes, say the word SNEEZE or whatever word you prefer to use (or click the clicker to mark the behavior) and give your dog a tasty treat.

Step 3: Practice, practice, practice. Remember short training sessions are best for your dog. Always end on a positive note and the training will go better.

Good Luck!

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