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Fireworks made my dog afraid of the yard...

19 9:04:06

I have a 2 year old female black lab named Cookie. she is an all around wonderful dog and is great with our 5 year old. A few days ago my husband and his friends set off some firecrackers in close proximity to Cookie right in our backyard. She was afraid as I suspected she would be. Now the problem is that even days later, she is afraid to even go outside to do her business. Every little noise and motion seem to terrify her. I know it is wrong to comfort her and we have not done that. I really want to help her get over this anxiety so we can get back to normal life. Can you help me?

Hi Melissa,

Poor Cookie.   Fireworks can be very tramatic for dogs.  Actually, many dogs get so scared they run away out of fear.   You will need to be patient with her, as it sounds like you have been.   You'll need to work with her to build some positive things happen out in the back yard.   Play ball, give her some extra special treats.  Have your husband cook her a steak!  Just do silly things and make her have fun in the back yard.  The more positive things that happen, I believe she'll overcome her fear.   And... tell your husband no more fireworks!