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Older dog training, please help!

19 9:04:06

My black lab, Sue, is a very good girl, very calm and house trained. The problem is we got her when she was 11 months and potty trained but in a crate. She doesn't go when we tell her to and sometimes she doesn't go for over six hours, even when we're home and take her out plenty of times. Even in the morning she doesn't go after we wake up. All she wants to do is sniff. She is now 1 year and 4 months, what can we do?

HI Kay,

Sorry for the delay; we were on vacation. If your dog is indeed housetrained I'm not sure what you are asking. It is not unusual for dogs to not have to urinate for 6 hours or more. She should want to urinate after play or when she wakes up. Are you giving her ample time to find the right spot?

One thing to do is train your dog to go on command. When she finally sqats to pee, quietly give her a command like pee, potty, hurry up...the command doesn't matter as long as you are 100% consistent. IT will take time but soon you'll have a dog that relieves herself on command.

If I have misunderstood your question, please let me know.
