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19 8:58:29

Good morning,

Quick question about our new pom. My partner and I just got a pom, she's a little over 5 months old and she was in a barn before we got her. (she was in a giant kennel in barn). She didn't whine or bark the first few nights we had her, but she began whining and barking until recently, then she would brake out of her "play pen" and stop crying.

She is now in a kennel, with a blanket inside and on top, she cries less when the blanket is on top of her kennel...the thing is she hates the kennel...I've tried playing with her in it, we've tried treats in it...but she cries as soon as we leave. I am scared that she is being traumatized by being left alone (I've never had a dog), I don't respond to her cries or barks, but every now and again she'll yelp loudly and I'll yell a stern "NO!"....she's only had her kennel for 3-4 days and we've only had her for 1 week now...will it get better? are we doing the right things?

She's in her kennel as follows:

morning: about 5-6 hours (after her about 1 hour of walk/feed/toilet/grooming/a little play)
afternoon-about 3 hours (after about 1-2 hour toilet and play with her dad, my partner)
night- from about 8 or 9 until 5 the next morning...basically when we sleep. (this is after about 2-3 hours of dinner/walk/play time/trying 15 minutes of "kennel play time")

and sometimes we'll take her for a small 15 min walk at around 9pm at night to tire her out....

Does it soung like we're doing the right thing?

Thanks so much for your time, look forward to hearing

Don't shout "no", or even make eye contact or speak to her once you leave her in her crate.  You are just giving her attention for whining, and you may accidentally be teaching her that the way to get you to come back is to be noisy enough in the crate.  Instead, do cover it if it makes her feel more comfy, but try ignoring her noisemaking unless she needs to be toileted, then just quietly take her out, reward her for doing her business outside, and put her back to sleep in her crate with no fuss at all.  
It does sound as though she spends a bit too much time in her crate for a five month old.  I know she's too young to be allowed freedom in the house, but do be sure that she gets enough exercise during the day while you are available.  Also, try to find a good class to take her to for some training.  Training builds confidence and she will get used to other dogs and people, too.  The late night walk to tire her (and let her eliminate) is a great idea, so keep doing that!