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13 year old dog howling constantly

18 17:57:17

I have a half chow/half bassett hound male dog who is 13 years old. He has always suffered from separation issues. He now howls all the time. It doesn't matter if I am sitting right next to him or not. He wakes me up all night howling. My daughter tells me he howls all day while I am work. She offers him treats. Nothing works. He howls when I walk out the door even if I am only in the garage, when I am in the shower, when I am in bed. I give him treats any comforts I can. The vet can not find a physical problem that should cause this much howling. He does have health issues but nothing that would cause this behaviour. I need help!! I would never get rid of him but I am worried.

Hello -
I am sorry it took me a little while to get back to you on the answer to this question.  I cannot shake the feeling that this is a health problem, and not a behavior problem.  In addition to training dogs, I am a veterinary technician.  I decided to ask the person who trained me with animals and the doctor at my work about your problem.  

I think your little friend may have the beginnings of CDS - Cognitive Dysfunction Syndrome, or some other problem (It's kind of like Dog Senility).  Is he possibly going deaf or blind?  Those are common reasons for this sort of behavior.  Does he get "stuck" in an area (like in a corner or at a door)?  Does he have arthritis?  He may be in pain.  My suggestion is to get a second opinion on his health from a new Veterinarian.  Vets are just like everyone else, they can't know everything in all areas.

If he has separation anxiety, it may be getting worse as he gets older and his mind goes a little.  Normally, I would suggest training to help with him to become more confident in himself, and if that fails, medication like Colmicalm to help.  I am not sure though at his age those things would help that much.

I am so sorry I couldn't give you a better answer.  I truly hope you can find an answer that will make you and your little guy happier.  Good Luck