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My new dog wont go potty outside or in!

19 9:05:45

I adopted a 2 year old choc lab/border collie a week ago from a shelter.  she is very quiet and shy and a little timid--very well behaved but won't go to the bathroom.  She holds it for 2 days and then goes in her crate when I am not home.  I take her out first thing in the am, after the am feeding, right when i get home, after pm feeding and before bed.  For the past week she has not gone outside once during any of these times.  I take her to the same place each time, put "poo/pee" droppings in the area, ignored so she couldn't see me and nothing is working.  She did not potty on Sunday or Monday and finally went Tuesday in her crate during the day.  I don't know what else to try.  Help!!

Christy, if you have bedding in her crate, try taking it out. Some dogs take a while to adjust to a new home and a new routine. When I brought my youngest shepherd home at 4 months old, she didn't potty for several days either, but I was consistent and eventually she figured it out. Is it possible for you to come home during the day to take her out, or to bring her to work with you so you can take her out a few times during the day? What about having someone else come to your house to take her out? I wouldn't recommend a doggie daycare since you say she is so shy. Do any of your friends have calm, housebroken dogs that you could 'pet sit' for a few days, that your new dog could observe and learn from? When you take her out, keep her on a leash; don't just let her out in the yard, or take her to whatever spot and leave her. You need to be there so that when she DOES potty, you can praise her!