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need help with my black lab behavior

18 18:03:24

Hi, here is my question , I have a black lab mix about 11 months old and he is adorable. i really don't have a problem with him but when i go out it's a real pain because he has the tendency to jump on my countertop and will take anything from there that he can find and destroy. the thing is he only does it when i'm not around because when i'm at home he is so adorable and does not misbehave like this. also i can't seem to get him to stop jumping at people when they come in the door. he is so excited i usually put him outside on the leash before anybody can come in but i would really love to fix this problem once and for all. He is adorable and listen really good when it's treat time, or walking time but as soon as he is left alone unless i promiss him a dog bone when i get back he destroys everything that is on my counter top.Please help me i am desperate. and when he does something bad he knows it because as soon as i walk in the house he wont come to me right away. that is when i know that he did something wrong, please help me correct this so i can leave my house with no worry. he has already destroy, 2 remote control, 3 roll of paper towel, 3 plastic container that were in the zinc, and one big water plastic bottle.


The counter surfing is absolutely normal.  Why does he do it?  because he is rewarded for it, maybe not every time but often enough to maintain the behavior.  The solution?  ensure there is NEVER anything (even crumbs) left on there.  He will continue to check up there when you go out but eventually he will give up as he will see it is a waste of time.  Dogs are scavengers by nature - its what they do and has nothing to do with good or bad, its just natural. far easier to just not give them the opportunity.  Put everything away.  Scientific experiments have shown that dogs are unable to associate what they have done when you are out with being told off when you get home.  So, even though he looks guilty all he is doing is trying to defuse your anger and hostility; he knows that when there is a mess you will be scary.  He doesn't know why.  You can place chewed up stuff around pop out then come in a gain and he will act the same even though he didn't do it!  So stop telling him off!  Labradors are infamous for chewing, its a really big part of their nature.  Leave him plenty of appropriate things to chew such as stuffed frozen Kongs and rawhide chews.

When visitors come keep him on a lead and use food to reward him for sitting. Get people to ignore him so he doesn't become excited.  Keep him on lead all the time they are there and get them to ignore him.  he will eventually settle down as he realizes they haven't come to see him.

All the best
