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House training a dog to sit on a potty?

18 17:52:02

I read on this page: an amusing story about house training a dog. Is it really possible to house train a dog to sit on a child's potty? Would it have to be done when the dog is a puppy, or could I train my 4 year old dog to change it's habits. It's just that I hate having to clean up after her in the back yard.  

Yeah... hmmm... I don't know the answer to that one, LOL.

I can tell you that "House" Training doesn't mean eliminate IN the house, it means to not eliminate in the house.

That's just the thing if you own a dog: It requires to pick up dog poop in the yard (Unless you hire someone who does it for a couple of bucks).

I know cats can be trained to use a toilet.

Thanks for the chuckle  =0)

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