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piddling in kennel

18 17:50:23

I have a 3 month old lab puppy.  She doesn't pee or poop in the kennel during the night or anything, but whenever someone,me or my mom or dad, go to get her out in the morning she piddles in the kennel. Its like she gets to excited.  I'm not exactly sure what to do?

This sounds like "submissive urination" or "excitable urination" and it usually subsides as a puppy gets older so long as you don't exaggerate your greetings or scold her - plus give her some confidence-building training and play.  Here's an article on it:
At her age, training is really important, and I suggest you find a positive trainer who does puppy classes which will allow her to meet and greet other pups off leash, as well as learn some communication skills with you.  Confidence boosting is important with dogs that have this issue, and is a huge step in resolving it.